Monday, January 9, 2012

Still Life

Still Life- The Horrors

Another great album from 2011, although the weird is over I am trying to be excited for this coming year in music. A lot of people think that music has been going downhill more and more and except no change for this coming year, but I think there were definitely some hopeful bands that appeared throughout last year, if they were given a bit more attention and publicity, maybe things would be different. It really bothers me how people hate when a small band that "only they liked" becomes huge. These are the same people complaining that popular music has gone downhill, so shouldn't they be excited that a small band that they love is finally being heard to the masses? I see how it is unappealing for a band to become huge, it makes it a bit less personal and might make you feel a bit less special, yeah? But if you are actually going to make a fuss if they make it, then quit complaining about the "decline" of music and/or pop culture.

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