Saturday, February 18, 2012

Better Than Love

Better Than Love- Hurts

I heard about two or possible three (at the most three) months ago that the lead singer, Theo Hutchcraft is now dating Alexa Chung. I never blogged about it, and although this is no gossip site, it's music-related gossip so I think I probably should discuss it a little. I heard about the Alex Chung/Alex Turner break up around when it first happened and I think in mid-December I learned she and Theo Hutchcraft were dating. To  be honest, I really do not have too much of an opinion on the fact they're dating/ the break up of Alexa Chung and Alex Turner. Most that I know who like Alexa Chung, Arctic Monkeys, and/or Hurts have a strong opinion on the topic, but I don't know, I guess I am glad I know, but I don't really have an opinion one way or another.

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