Monday, November 14, 2011

Review on Beirut Concert!

Oh gee, where to start with Beirut. I was so happy when I found out they were playing at The Greek because it is an outdoor venue and nothing sounded better to me than seeing Beirut play in an outdoor venue. The  opening act, had very beautiful music, but was a bit boring to me because I was so excited for the main act. Overall, I think The Greek was too big a venue for them. I wish there was a smaller outdoor venue that they could have played at because it was at least 300 seats too big for them. Beirut was very very good in concert, they played nearly all the songs I liked by them, except Guyamas Sonora. Actually, there were quite a few people in the audience shouting it and asking Zach Condon to play it, but he did not... They were just as good in concert as they are on disc, and the instruments sounded just as beautiful as I was hoping. Zach Condon was actually really funny, I don't know I just was surprised. It is not that I expected him to be not funny but I did not no expect him to be funny either. He was constantly making jokes and I personally love when the singers and the band member(s) give off comfortable vibes. There was this one guy in the band, who kept calling everything "the shit". I am not kidding! Nearly every time he spoke, it was usually about something or another band and he kept referring to it/them as "the shit". It got a bit annoying after a while in my opinion but looking back it makes me laugh. Beirut was very very good in concert and I suggest you see them.
I rate it 9/10!

1 comment:

  1. i had forgotten about that one guy in the band and when i read this a actually laughed out loud at the memory
