Sunday, May 15, 2011


Suffocation- Crystal Castles

So the other day, I was talking to these two girls on my bus about Crystal Castles, and one of them said that they have had this weird obsession with them for a long time. The other one said "yeah, I feel like anyone that likes Crystal Castles had a weird obsession with them. Either you love them or you don't" And it is so so true! I love Alice Glass and think she is brilliant, and I do sort of have a weird obsession with her and Crystal Castles. Even today, I was talking about Crystal Castles with my friend and how much I love their music. My friend then proceeded to say "Oh yeah, Glass Castles, you talk about them all the time." Glass Castles. No. So it obviously shows she wasn't fully listening as well as the fact that she doesn't listen to Crystal Castles. 

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