Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Kurt!

In my mind, he was one of, the greatest artist of all time. Some people thing he is harsh and dark, and to an extent he is, but I believe it is more that he is honest and completely straight forward. Him and his lyrics are honest, and simple but at the same time so complex. I love how he sings about things that not too many artists always pay attention to. In one of his songs 'All Apologizes', he wrote, "In the sun, In the Sun, I feel as one." I love that. I love that feeling when everything seems lost and confusing and you feel scared; then you close your eyes and just feel the sun on your face. It makes everything feel right, and all those emotions fade away. You feel as one. With yourself, and with the earth and everything. In nirvana's song 'In Bloom', I think he is talking about how people certain people like to listen to certain songs and certain bands, but for the wrong reasons. Or how they sing lyrics, but they have no idea what they really mean. Anyways, that is how I interpret some of Nirvana's music. Happy Birthday Kurt Cobain! Rest In Peace.

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