Friday, August 13, 2010

Band of the Week


I really do love this band. I was out today and I was stuck in traffic going home and I listened to the same song by Metric over and over and over again the whole hour home. Yes, that is how much I like it. With Metric I get OBSESSED with their songs, (its usually one at a time though) anyway I keep playing them over and over and over again. They have a fun pop upbeat, beat to all their songs. Their music videos are always interesting too. I love their latest album Fantasies!

Top 5 Songs by Metric

1. Gimme Sympathy
2. Gold Guns Girls
3. Help I'm Alive
4. Sick Muse
5. Twilight Galaxy

They also have a song in the Twilight Saga Eclipse Check it Out!

Click on the Title (Band of the Week!) to listen to Gimme Sympathy- Metric

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