Monday, March 5, 2012

Pull My Heart Away

Pull My Heart Away- Jack Penate

This is a good pop song. I think pop music gets a bad reputation, particularly among indie music lovers because an overwhelming amount of pop music is associated with the mainstream. A lot of my friends that like small bands, are so anti all pop music, which I think is stupid. I think a lot of people are too caught up in the "oh should we like this?" type mentality, like what you like to listen to! Please stop being so snobbish. Well, moving on from my lecture, this song is a fun song to listen to that I fully enjoy. It's pop music, which does appeal to me, I just do not blog about it much, but I think this song can appeal to most people regardless the genre, you like, if you just let yourself like it. It's a fun song and it just overall a nice song to listen to. Also, Jamie xx did a remix of this song, which I like a lot, it is a very interesting take on the song. It is equally as awesome as the original song, just a different type of awesome.

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