Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down

My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down- The Ramones

If someone saw me listening to music at anytime in the month of September, October, or November, maybe even the first half of December, there is easily a 85% chance this was the song I was listening to, and I am not exaggerating. Walking to class, at lunch, in the car, at home, sometimes even going to sleep I was listening to this song. It triggered and intense, but shortly lived obsession with The Ramones. I really do still love them a lot (how could you not?) and they are one of my favorite bands ever but they are no longer what my world revolves around. I really wish I had a less childish and bizzare way I discovered The Ramones, but it was all due to a 2003 film starring Jack Black titled: School Of Rock. Yes, School Of Rock, honestly, I love that movie. I was watching it and there was this scene where Jack Black taught the children the history of rock and this song played in the background I probably replayed that scene a good seven times just so I could listen to the song. Then I looked up the song, it was one of those "oh, I've heard of them." moments and this song just became that song that I could never get sick, and I still haven't gone through a "ugh, I can't listen to that ever again!" period like I've gone through with every other song I've been obsessed with. I looked up their albums and this song really triggered it all. Then I watched End Of The Century: The Story Of The Ramones and I learned they grew up in Forest Hills, where my dad is from, but my dad was born in 1943 verses the late 40's/ early 50's like the Ramones. So, I guess I owe this discovery of one of the greatest bands ever to a Jack Black movie..... as strange as that sounds, it's the truth.

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