Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Man's Machine

The Man's Machine- Jamie T

A really great thing happened to me last week. I went to the movies and afterward I went to the record shop that is just down the street, and I was looking through as I usually do. Then, I got to the J's and I found Jamie T's Kings & Queens. I had never seen any Jamie T their before so I was so excited and surprised. Also, it was used (with no scratches), so it was only 5 dollars! I was so happy and I have been listening to the record a lot lately. Although, I do like Panic Prevention a bit better, Kings & Queens is a very close second. This is one of my favorite songs off the album. I wonder where Jamie T is, he seems to have fallen of the face of the planet really, he hasn't had anything come out in a while and I really hope he has something come out soon. He's really fantastic in my opinion.

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