Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bigmouth Strikes Again by The Smiths (And Me Rambling About Bands I Will Never See In Concert)

Bigmouth Strikes Again- The Smiths

It's debatable, but this might be my favorite song by The Smiths. Errmmmm, so hard to choose. I have all their songs ever released for download, and I love them all, so clearly it's saying a lot if this is my favorite (very debatable though). I really do love how Morrissey says "bigmouth ladadada" and "bigmouth hohohohohaha"

I really wish I could see them in concert. I might have said this before, but if I could see two bands in concert that aren't around anymore, it would definitely be Nirvana and The Smiths, and considering the amount of bands that I love that do not play/ deceased member/ just aren't around anymore that I love, it just says that I really love The Smiths and Nirvana.

Other bands I love that I will never see play:

The Beatles, The Who, The Ramones, Joy Division, The Sex Pistols, The Replacements, Janis Joplin, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Mamas & The Papas, The Adverts, Jimi Hendrix, etc.

Then there are some others that I have a slim-to-none chance of seeing.  Arg this is making me angry. This has nothing to do with The Smiths, this last part. Sorry.

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